Ethan scores podium finish at Nationals; Qualifies for World Cup 2021.

  • Admin 

Ethan made Goa proud by scoring a podium finish at the Under-10 Open National Online Chess Championship 2021. 9-year old Ethan secured an impressive 10.5 points in 11 rounds while remaining undefeated in the tournament, but the prestigious title of National Champion eluded him by a whisker. With the one player that he drew against also equalling the score of 10.5, Ethan was tied for 1st Place but had to settle for Silver owing to a slightly lower tie-break score (Buchholz Cut 1 of 82.5 vs. 83.5). A total of 929 players from all over India had participated in the tournament.

By virtue of the podium finish, Ethan is officially selected to represent India at the World Cup 2021 (FIDE Online Rapid World Cup 2021, Cadets & Youth, Under 10 Open) scheduled to be held in August.

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