With hearts overflowing with gratitude, Ethan's family acknowledges the angels who have supported us along this tough but enriching journey, as Ethan strives to become one of the youngest Chess Grandmasters in the world.

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Sponsorship Package: Diamond
Sponsorship Amount: INR 2,50,000/-
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This page lists our Sponsors & Donors for Year 2024-25.
For the list of Sponsors & Donors of other years, please click the corresponding links below.
Year 2024-25 (This Page)

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Sponsorship Package: Diamond
Sponsorship Amount: INR 2,50,000/-
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Year 2024-25
Fundraising Status
(FY 2024-25)
Sponsors & Donors
(FY 2024-25)
The King's School
Motto: Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it
Ethan has been schooling at The King’s School (TKS) since nursery days. To us, TKS is very much an integral part of Team #EthanVaz, without whose cooperation, encouragement, and financial support, we wouldn’t have been able to see the success that Ethan has achieved. As a family, we owe a lot to TKS!
Besides being a pillar of strength and moral support throughout Ethan’s chess journey, director Ligia Pereira and chairman Melvin Pereira have also provided financial support by not only waiving off Ethan’s school fees, but by going out of their way to fund Ethan through our crowdfunding campaign in a big way.
It’s actually not possible to put a number to the immense support provided by TKS, but the financial contribution easily runs to lakhs of rupees, year after year!
May Almighty God bless them abundantly always!
Geno Pharmaceuticals
Driven by a Passion of Innovation
Geno Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd. is one of the top 70 pharma companies of India.
Geno’s fitness initiative, Geno Sports Club provides Goan athletes a platform for their excellence in sports. Various athletes have emerged from diverse backgrounds to become part of their sports ecosystem. Geno has been supporting chess players for many years.
Ethan has been blessed with a scholarship from Geno since 2022-23, which has been extremely instrumental in his journey to accomplish the feat of becoming the world’s youngest International Master of chess in 2024.
As Ethan continues on his journey to become a chess grandmaster, Geno’s generous scholarship each year continues to provided us much needed support in taking Ethan forward.
We are extremely grateful to Dr. Sagar Salgaocar and his team for all the support!
ChessBase India
Powering Chess in India
ChessBase was amongst the first to identify the talent in Ethan, as early as 2019, as can be seen in the first interview of Ethan, “Born in 2011, 7-year-old Ethan Vaz is a talent to watch out for!” by none other than ChessBase India CEO Sagar Shah himself. Since then, Ethan has had the privilege of being interviewed by ChessBase numerous times over the last 5 years, and, each time, we have derived immense motivation from IM Sagar Shah, Amruta Mokal, and team, to take Ethan forward on this journey.
Over the years, ChessBase India has been very instrumental in shaping the road ahead for Ethan. In the year 2022-23, they awarded Ethan with the The FTX Pragg Scholarship. In 2023-24 too, they have supported Ethan, and they continue to support Ethan through Help Chess Foundation.
More specifically, they have been providing significant financial support towards GM Coaching for Ethan.
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Sponsorship Amount: INR 1,00,000/- ~
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Sponsorship Amount: ₹50,000 ~ ₹99,999
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Sponsorship Amount: ₹50,000 ~ ₹99,999
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Leena & Nelson Lopes
Chinchinim, Goa
We are ever so grateful for the continued support from Mrs. Leena and Mr. Nelson Lopes, year after year!
They have been supporting us since the time we started the crowdfunding initiative in 2022.
This year too, they have supported us with a generous donation.
Sponsored: ₹30,000/-

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Sponsored: ₹25,000 ~ ₹49,999
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S. Leitao

Neenad Desai
Cuncolim, Goa
Rohit Bhagwat
Renuka Figueireido
Aldona, Goa
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Sponsorship Amount: INR 1,00,000/- ~
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Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco
Hon'ble MLA of Goa, Curtorim Constituency
Mr. Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco is a member of the Goa Legislative Assembly, for the Curtorim constituency. He is also the Chairman of the Goa Industrial Development Corporation, since 2022.
While presiding as the Chief Guest at the finals of the 4th South-Goa Invitational Volleyball Tournament organised by Boys Of Colleandongor, where Ethan shared the dais as the Special Invitee, the Hon’ble MLA praised Ethan for his exceptional achievements and took the opportunity to announce a cash award for Ethan for his international accomplishments.
We are very grateful to Reginald-bab for proactively announcing the cash award for Ethan, and we wish him good health and happiness always! We are also grateful to Boys of Colleandongor for inviting Ethan as a Special Invitee and providing the platform facilitating this generous and memorable gesture.
The award shall be conferred at an event that will be held at a later date. More photos will be published after the event.
Scholarship Amount: ₹1,00,000/- (pledged)